Featured image of post Cup 1, Envivo Lungo: Potent and caramelised

Cup 1, Envivo Lungo: Potent and caramelised

With Jasper Hubbard


About this cup

Cup 1 is an Envivo Lungo of intensity 9 on the Nespresso scale. Join me and my guest Jasper Hubbard as we discuss supermarket value brands and play a game involving maracas. What a way to start the series!

Recorded: Tuesday 24th March 2020

About Sip by Sip

We’re being told to remain indoors and I’ve realised that I have a lot of coffee to get through. Join me as I try a different type of coffee (or alternate beverage). I’m stuck indoors, so I’ve got to do something…

An Expluce Original Podcast Series: Presented and produced by Keoni D’Souza

Episode credits

Presenter / Producer Keoni D'Souza
Guest Jasper Hubbard